
The Largest Collection of his papers


W.D. Hamilton:
Trivers, R. 2000.  William Donald Hamilton (1936-2000) – Obituary. Nature 404: 828. (PDF)

Ernst Mayr:
Trivers, R. 2005. Ernst Mayr: a Remembrance—1904-2005.

George C. Williams:
Trivers, R. 2010. In memory of George C. Williams.


Palestis, B.G. and R. Trivers. 2016. A longitudinal study of changes in fluctuating asymmetry with age in Jamaican youth. Symmetry 8: 1-11. (PDF)

Murphy, S. C., von Hippel, W., Dubbs, S. L., Angilletta Jr., M. J., Wilson, R. S., Trivers, R., & Barlow, F. K. 2015. The role of overconfidence in romantic desirability and competition. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 41: 1036-1052. (PDF)

Trivers, R. 2015. Wild Life: Adventures of an Evolutionary Biologist. New Brunswick, Biosocial Research Publishers. Trivers, R., Palestis, B.G., Fink, B., and Manning, J.T. 2014. Is foot asymmetry a correlate of hand performance asymmetry? evidence from the Jamaican Symmetry Project. Evolutionary Psychological Science DOI 10.1007/s40806-014-0002-4 (PDF)

Manning, J.T., Fink, B. and. Trivers, R. 2014. Digit ratio (2D:4D) and Gender inequalities across nations. Evolutionary Psychology 12: 706-717. (PDF)

Fink, B., J.T. Manning and R. Trivers. 2014. Body symmetry and physical strength in human males. American Journal of Human Biology 26: 697-700. (PDF)

Kalokerinos, E.K., von Hippel, W., Henry, J.D. and Trivers, R. 2014. The aging positivity effect and immune function: Positivity in recall predicts higher CD4 counts and lower CD4 activation. Psychology and Aging. (PDF)

Trivers, R., Hopp, R. and Manning, J.T. 2013. A longitudinal study of digit ratio (2D:4D) and its relationships with adult running speed in Jamaicans. Human Biology 85: 623-626. (PDF)

Trivers R, Palestis BG, Manning JT. 2013. The Symmetry of Children’s Knees is Linked to Their Adult Sprinting Speed and their Willingness to Sprint in a Long-Term Jamaican Study. PLoS ONE 8(8): e72244. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072244 (PDF)

Manning, J.T., Kilduff, L.P. and Trivers, R. 2012. Digit ratio (2D:4D) in Klinefelter’s Syndrome. Andrology, doi:10.1111/j.2047-2927.2012.00013.x (PDF)

Lynch, R. and Trivers, R. 2012. Self-deception inhibits laughter and humor appreciation. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences. 53:491-495 (PDF)

Trivers, R. 2011. Deceit and Self-deception: Fooling Ourselves the Better to Fool Others. London: Penguin: (Link)
. 2011. The Folly of Fools: Deceit and Self-deception in Human Life.  NewYork: Basic Books. (Link)
. 2011. [Italian title: Deceit and Self-deception]. Rome: Einaudi.

Von Hippell, B. and Trivers, R. 2011. The evolution and psychology of self-deception. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34: 1- 56.  (PDF)

Palestis, B. G., Cabrero J., Trivers, R. and Camacho, J. P. M. 2010. Prevalence of B chromosomes in Orthoptera is associated with shape and number of A chromosomes. Genetica 138: 1181-1189. (PDF)

Trivers, R. 2010. Deceit and self-deception. In P. M. Kappeler & J. Silk (eds.) Mind the Gap. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. (PDF)

Trivers, R. 2009. Genetic conflict within the individual. Berlin:  Sonderdruck der Berliner-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschschaften 14: 149-199.    (PDF)

Zaatari, D., Palestis, B.G. and Trivers, R. 2009. Fluctuating asymmetry of responders affects offers in the Ultimatum Game oppositely according to attractiveness or need as perceived by proposers. Ethology 115: 627-632.  (PDF)

Trivers, R., Palestis, B.G. and Zaatari, D. 2009. The Anatomy of a Fraud: Symmetry & Dance. Antioch, CA: TPZ Publishers.  (Link) (PDF)

Zaatari, D. and Trivers, R. 2007. Fluctuating asymmetry and behavior in the ultimatum game in Jamaica. Evolution and Human Behavior 28: 223-227.  (PDF)

Trivers, R., Manning, J.T., and Jacobson, A. 2006. A longitudinal study of digit ratio (2D:4D) and other finger ratios in Jamaican children. Hormones and Behavior 49: 150-156. (PDF)

Burt, A., and Trivers, R.  2006.  Genes in Conflict: The Biology of Selfish Genetic Elements. Cambridge, Harvard University Press.   (Amazon) OR (PDF)

Brown, W.M., Cronk, L., Grochow, K., Jacobson, A., Liu. C.K., Popovic, Z. and Trivers. R. 2005. Dance reveals symmetry especially in young men. Nature 438: 1148-1150.  (PDF)

Trivers, R. 2005. Reciprocal altruism: 30 years later. In C.P. van Schaik and P.M. Kappeler (eds.) Cooperation in Primates and Humans: Mechanisms and Evolution. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp 67-83.  (PDF)

Levin, DA, Palestis, B.G, Jones, R.N and Trivers, R. 2005.  Phyletic hot-spots for B chromosomes in Angiosperms. Evolution 59: 962-969.   (PDF)

Trivers, R. 2004. Mutual benefits at all levels of life. Science 304: 964-965.  (PDF)

Manning, J.T., Stewart, A, Bundren, P.E., and Trivers, R.L. 2004. Sex and ethnic differences in 2nd to 4th digit ratio of children. Early Human Development 80:161-168.  (PDF)

Penton-Voak, I.S., Jacobson, A., and Trivers, R. 2004.  Population differences in attractiveness judgments of faces: comparing a British and Jamaican sample.  Evolution and Human Behavior 25: 355-370  (PDF)

Palestis, B.G., Trivers, R. Jones, R.N. and Burt, A.  2004.  The distribution of B chromosomes across species.  Cytogenetics and Genome Research 106: 151-158.  (PDF)

Trivers, R, Burt, A, and Palestis, B.G. 2004. B chromosomes and genome size in flowering plants. Genome 47:1-8 (PDF)

Palestis, B.G., Burt, A., Jones, R.N. and Trivers, R.  2004.  B chromosomes are more frequent in mammals with acrocentric karyotypes: support for the theory of centromeric drive.  Proc. Royal. Society. B Suppl.271: S22-S24.  (PDF)

Trivers. R.  2002.  Natural Selection and Social Theory: Selected Papers of Robert Trivers. New York: Oxford University Press.   (PDF)

Cashdan, E, and Trivers, R.  2002.  Self-deception.  In M. Pagel (ed.) Encyclopedia of Evolution. New York: Oxford University Press. (PDF)

Manning, J., Martin, S., Trivers, R., and Soler, M.  2002.  2nd to 4th digit ratio and offspring sex ratio.  J. Theoretical Biology 217: 93-95. (PDF)

Manning, J.T., Barley, L., Walton, J., Lewis-Jones, D.I., Trivers, R.L., Singh, D., Thornhill, R., Rohde, P., Bereckie, T., Henzi, P., Solder, M., and Szwed, A. 2000.  The 2nd:4th digit ratio, sexual dimorphism, population differences and reproductive success: evidence for sexually antagonistic genes.  Evolution and Human Behavior 21: 163-183. (PDF)

Trivers, R.  2000a.  The elements of a scientific theory of self-deception.  Annals NY Acad Sciences 907: 114-131.  (PDF)

Trivers, R. 2000b .  William Donald Hamilton (1936-2000) – Obituary. Nature 404: 828.  (PDF)

Manning, J.T., Trivers, R., Thornhill, R. and Singh, D.  2000. The 2nd:4th digit ratio and hand preference in Jamaican children. Laterality 5: 121-132. (PDF)

Manning, J.T., Trivers, R., Singh, D. and Thornhill, R.  1999.  The mystery of female beauty. Nature 399: 214-215. (PDF)

Trivers, R, Manning, JT, Thornhill, R, Singh, D. and McGuire, M.  1999.  The Jamaican symmetry project: a long-term study of fluctuating asymmetry in rural Jamaican children.  Human Biology 71: 417-430. (PDF)

Trivers, R. and Burt, A.  1999.  Kinship and genomic imprinting.  In R. Ohlsson (ed.). Genomic Imprinting: An Interdisciplinary Approach . Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, pp 1-23.

Burt, A. and Trivers, R. 1998.  Genetic conflicts in genomic imprinting. Proc. Royal Society B. 265: 2393-2397. (PDF)

Burt, A. and Trivers, R.  1998.  Selfish DNA and breeding system in flowering plants.  Proc. Royal Society B. 265: 141-146. (PDF)

Trivers, R. 1998. Review of Sober and Wilson, Unto Others, response to the review and response to the response. Skeptic 6: 81-87.  (PDF)

Manning, J.T.,Trivers, RL, Thornhill, R, Singh, D, Denman, J, Eklo, MH and Anderton, R. 1997. Ear asymmetry and left-side cradling.  Evolution and Human Behavior 18: 327-340.  (PDF)

Trivers, R. l997.  Genetic basis of intra-psychic conflict.  In N. Segal, G.E. Weisfeld, C.C. Weisfeld (eds.) Uniting Psychology and Biology: Integrative Perspectives on Human Development.  Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, pp 385-395. (PDF)

Haig, D. and Trivers, R.  1995.  The evolution of parental imprinting:  A review of hypotheses. In R. Ohlsson, K. Hall and M. Ritzen (eds.) Genomic Imprinting:  Causes and Consequences, Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, pp 17-28. (PDF)

Polak, M. and Trivers, R.  1994.  The science of symmetry in biology.  TREE 9:122-124. (PDF)

Trivers, R.  1991.  Deceit and self-deception:  The relationship between communication and consciousness.  In:  M. Robinson and L. Tiger (eds.) Man and Beast Revisited, Smithsonian, Washington, DC, pp. 175-191. (PDF)

Trivers, R.  1988.  Sex differences in rates of recombination and sexual selection.  In R. Michod and D. Levin (eds.) The Evolution of Sex:  An Examination of Current Ideas.  Sinauer: Sunderland, MA, pp 260-276. (PDF)

Seger, J. and Trivers, R.  1986.  Asymmetry in the evolution of female mating preferences. Nature 319:771-773. (PDF)

Trivers, R.  1985.  Social Evolution.  Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, CA. (PDF)

Hicks, R. and Trivers, R.  1983.  The social behavior of Anolis valencieni.  In A. Rhodin and K. Miyata (eds.) Advances in Herpetology and Evolutionary Biology, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, pp. 570-595. (PDF)

Trivers, R. L.  1983.  The evolution of sex.  Quarterly Review of Biology 58:62-67. (PDF)

Trivers, R. L. and Newton, H. P.  1982.  The crash of Flight 90:  Doomed by self-deception?  Science Digest, November, pp. 66, 67 and 111. (PDF)

Trivers, R. L.  1976.  Sexual selection and resource-accruing abilities in Anolis garmani. Evolution 30:253-269.   (PDF)

Trivers, R. L. and Hare, H.  1976.  Haplodiploidy and the evolution of the social insects. Science 191:249-269.  (PDF)

Trivers, R. L.  1974.  Parent-offspring conflict.  American Zoologist 14:247-262.  (PDF)

Trivers, R. L. and Willard, D.  1973.  Natural selection of parental ability to vary the sex ratio of offspring.  Science 179:90-92. (PDF)

Trivers, R. L.  1972.  Parental investment and sexual selection.  In B. Campbell, ed. Sexual Selection and the Descent of Man, 1871-1971, Aldine-Atherton, Chicago, pp.  136-179.   (PDF)

Trivers, R. L.  1971.  The evolution of reciprocal altruism.  Quarterly Review of Biology 46:35-57.  (PDF)

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